Charles and Nicola Woods and family 27th January 2024

Win was a always a kind and caring Aunty to me. She was always interested in you and listened carefully. Often with a twinkle in her eye and a kind word and smile. Every year, throughout her life, she always remembered us with generous presents at Christmas and thoughtful cards for all. We always greatly enjoyed our visits to your home, and yours to ours. I was also touched by Win’s support for Palestinians and other good causes. She was was a person of true Christian faith who cared for the poor and disadvantaged and took action for justice. Thank you so much to all the family for giving such a fitting tribute to Win at the funeral. The tributes captured her life very well and the generous meal and time together was much appreciated. We will miss her greatly and seek to remember her example and follow it. We will continue to pray for all the family that they find comfort in their loss.